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Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis
France | 2020 | 15’51 Italian preview v.o. sott. ENG/ITA

Survivor but amnesiac of the attack at Maalbeek metro station on 22 March 2016 in Brussels, Sabine is looking for the missing image of an over-mediatised event of which she has no memory.

Direction: Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis
Screenplay: Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Perrine Prost
Animation: Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Maël Delorme, Dorian Rigal, William Houel, Léon Denise
Cinematografy: Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Pierre De Wurstemberger, Maël Delorme, Bérengère Gimenez, Nicolas Forero
Editing: Maël Delorme, Marianna Romano, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis
Sound Design: Martin Delzescaux, Lucas Masson
Music: Sergio Baietta
Production: Pauline Seigland, Lionel Massol, Maxence Voiseux, Jules Reinartz, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis
Distribution: Square Eyes

Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis

Born in France in 1988, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis lives and works between Paris and Brussels. He is developing a “cinématière”, a hybrid artistic practice that expands cinema to the field of contemporary art. His work questions technologies, memory, the virtual and explores the porous worlds of the image. His films have been selected and awarded in numerous international festivals (Cannes, Annecy, Clermont-Ferrand, BFI London, IDFA…). In 2020, his film Maalbeek was selected at the Semaine de la Critique – Cannes and received the Bayard for best short film at the Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur and is also candidate for the European Film Awards 2021.