The identity of Animaphix is strongly marked by the places that host it.
Villa Cattolica – Museo Guttuso is a space culturally connoted by a long historical tradition, from its construction in 1736 to the placement of the works of the great Bagheria painter Renato Guttuso in what is now the Museum dedicated to him.
Animaphix reinvents the public space of the villa, clothes it with contemporaneity and shares it with the curious viewer, the experienced filmmaker and anyone who wants to be an active participant.
By confronting the territory, the Festival aims to engage citizens, to take advantage of spaces that by their nature enjoy an enviable historical beauty, and to reflect on the identity of a heritage that must not succumb to intellectual inertia.
Entering Villa Cattolica on the days dedicated to the Festival means being able to access a polycultural space, immersing oneself in an inclusive atmosphere, in a place of exchange and knowledge, participating in the afternoon workshops and focuses, indulging in a stop at the bar before the evening screenings begin, listening to good music and being attracted by the authorial animation.
The Festival is a place of international connection and transforms the villa into an activator of perceptions and relationships with the following audience, without which nothing could happen.