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Laska / Chick

Michał Socha – Poland, 2008 / 5’

It is a story full of nonsensical humor about the fatal charm of a femme fatale, told to the rhythms of the music of the jazz band Meritum. A woman is preparing herself to go out – she has a shower, puts on make-up, and dresses. At the end, she meets a man in a nightclub. They drink, dance, and have sex. But when the man, charmed by her, goes out of the room, an unpleasant surprise awaits him. The film was awarded in Annecy for its interesting usage of music..

Michał Socha (1981).
Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, he works on animation and special effects. After making short animations The Concert (2006) and Odlot (2007), he achieved international success with the film Chick.
