Cambia tutto
Ana Mougis, Fox Schwach
Cyprus 2019 / 4’21”
Cambia Tutto is comprised of over 2500 images that, when brought together in sequence, take the viewer through the small Italian village of Cavaso del Tomba — a place that has changed from a cultural epicentre of its rural region to a sleepy town surrounded by industrial sites. Each frame of the film is a carefully photographed or painted image of a specific aspect of the area and the score is interwoven with local field recordings. All these details come together to celebrate this small overlooked village and show how immensely beautiful those unnoticed things and forgotten places are if you pay attention.
Direction, Animation: Ana Mougis
Photography, Sound and Music: Fox Schwach
Voice: Wilma Andrighetto
Ana Mougis
Is an Cypriot-American Animator, Filmmaker, and Assistant Professor of Animation at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She grew up in Nicosia, Cyprus and spent much of her adult life living and working in New York City where she earned a BFA in Illustration from Parsons the New School for Design (2009) and an MFA in Animation and Motion Arts from Pratt institute (2016). Her films have been featured in numerous film festivals all over the world and received prestigious awards such as Art Directors Club Awards Bronze Cube and the AI-AP International Motion Arts Awards, and in 2017 her film Dahlia won Best National Animation at Animafest Cyprus.