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Marie Velade
Canada 2021 / 7’16’’

A surrealist journey through a woman’s love-hate relationship with her breasts, her body, her femininity.

Direction: Marie Valade
Animation: Cielle Graham, Bogdan Anifrani, Elèonore Mantelle, Alexis Mercille-Perrault
Sound and Music: Sacha Ratcliffe
Editing: Paul Tom, Marie Valade, Serge Verrault
Compositing: Brigitte Archambault, Mathieu Girard, Cielle Graham, Marie Valade, Bogdan Anifrani, Elèonore Mantelle
Titles: Caroline Blais

Marie Valade

Marie Valade is a Quebec animation filmmaker and co-director of Festival Stop Motion Montréal. In 2010 she obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Film Animation at Concordia University and participated in the NFB’s Hothouse apprenticeship program. Since then, she has collaborated on short and feature films and cultural mediation projects. Fascinated by traditional frame by frame animation techniques including pixillation, object and puppet animation and 2D animation, she likes to play with the boundaries between narrative storytelling and experimental creation. Boobs (Lolos, 2021) is her most recent project. Animated on paper with the rotoscoping technique, this short film explores the iconography of breasts.